Monday, March 14, 2011

Lenten Lists

I imagine Heaven with lots of Lilly
Yes, that is a Lilly Pulitzer cross. And it is in honor of Lent. Though I am five days late from the kickoff of Lent on Ash Wednesday, I am discovering the difficulties associated with Lenten promises. Though I started with different intentions for my sacrifice, I am giving up bad words (I'm unfortunately a sucker for the slip of a curse every so often, and every time I slip now, I read a Bible verse), negative attitude (any body image comments, etc..) and chocolate. I did come across something that was super applicable and honestly very true that some of my best friends - you know who you are - should maybe consider.  Thanks to College Candy, I have revamped my thoughts on Lenten sacrifices.

9 Things Every College Girl Should Give Up for Lent
  1. Ex-freak outs. He's not going to call, he's not going to apologize and he's certainly  not going to become Prince Charming. This is a great time to move on where the grass is definitely greener
  2. Hating people in relationships. (I see you Francesca...) If you're finding yourself bitter over others who have a boyfriend, just think... you have a lot of perks as well. You can chat it up with any guy(s) you want and have a sustained independence. Although I am the textbook definition of a relationship girl, you can have a lot of fun while you're single and hating others (besides on February 14) in relationships won't do anything.
  3. Hating your body. I am 100% guilty of this, but after reading this, I'm going to give this one a go. No more "Yuck I look fat" or "Wow I'd kill to be her" 's will be coming out of my mouth. Start a good habit of being more confident (or at least not thinking or verbalizing your discontent) for a healthier, happier outlook
  4. Facebook stalking people you don't know. / have a major crush on. This will prevent so many bad things from happening such as the ever dreaded slipping-something-you-only-know-because-you-Facebook-stalked-and-really-have-no-other-way-of-knowing blunder. I.e. "I am so so jealous that you are going to the Bahamas for Spring Break, that sounds awesome!" Ummm... awkward. Tone that stalking down and focus on your own life with your closer friends :)
  5. Late night snacking. If you need a reminder from my last post on remembering that it's not all about SB'11 and soon Summer '11 will be coming around in around six weeks, this will definitely help you out with keeping to your beloved flat tummy and shoo away the muffin top. You will gain that weight and you can bet you will be regretting that order of Midnight Cookies or bag of chips in the morning.
  6. Smack-talk. Okay, thinking before you speak is a concept that is a little difficult for me, but honestly maybe it would be a nice break for forty days of having nice, positive conversations instead of judgement city. Maybe focus all of that energy towards going to a BodyPump class?
  7. Late night texting. What you think might be a super good idea at two in the morning while you're sleep deprived studying for your physics exam the next morning to text your friend that after testing both of the genders on, you two would have adorable babies of either sex... is actually not. You will regret that in the morning and they will forever judge you after that move.
  8. All nighters. While we're on the subject of sleep-deprivation, stop watching the same episode of the Real Housewives of Miami for the tenth time on their fifteenth marathon of the series on Bravo and get to work! That work won't do itself and staying up so late is definitely not condusive to information retention. Get those 8 hours!
  9. Blacking out. I considered leaving this one out but it just has to be said. Alright, I am definitely no expert in the party department since I am an engineering major and have zero time to party in addition to not drinking even if I do BUT keeping it classy is what it's about. Waking up the next morning with a chainsaw-sawing-your-head-open headache from your hangover, having about ten texts saying "You and rage are now synonyms" from your friend or "Can I get some more of that?" from the awkward, cocky jerk who stares at you all through chemistry class but who you'd rather eat your own fist before hooking up with, and without any dignity is zero percent fun. Just be a little more responsible and at least remember everything you did?
So true, right? Little scandalous and a little harsh, but I all humor aside, those are some pretty good sacrifices :)

Another one of my Lenten promises is not a sacrifice, but a new habit. I have a thing for making To-Do lists already, but I sometimes slack on it. Since this semester began, my usually perfectly color-coded organized planner has fallen out of order and it's time to take back control of my OCD organized lifestyle! My friend Joe thinks it's absurd and thinks that
Joe's advice
is the only solution to my disorganization and to just spend that time to actually do something. I, however, get a lot more done with them. If I make time tables then it actually gets me more motivated to get things done. For example

Can I accomplish it all?
 will keep me busy for the next few days... (notice that blogging is not on there.. guess I'm already going against my list)  So new to-do:  Actually follow the schedule on the to-do list. I'm also going to get my super cute planner that my boyfriend Devon gave me for Christmas in order.
How could something this cute go unused?
This lent, I'm determined to make some organizational and attitude changes. Maybe I can fully live up to my high school superlative "Most Likely to Make Everyday a Sunny Day"? Happy Lent!

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