Monday, March 14, 2011


After a work meeting, I finally gott to see my big, Christine, who is practically a celebrity in my hometown. First debutante, now runner-up in Sungoddess... my big is a superstar! 

After I left her apartment, I came back to my dorm and did a little bit of Financial Accounting homework aka the definition of boring!  The problem with doing homework right before bed, though, even after doing my devotional is that my mind won't shut up.  Counting sheep, imagining floating into a black hole (my old surefire trick), nor a warm cup of (noncaffeinated) tea will soothe me. I think the fact that at the beginning of college I was so afraid of talking in my sleep or walking in my sleep therefore having my roommate/best friend think I'm nuts. Quite the predicament!

Luckily, in subscribing to Daily Candy, I found a product Purusa by Sebastian Signs that is "Inception in a bottle". The word purusa means "the soul within" in Sanskrit and was created by Sherri Sebastian of Fragrance West. Its title of "dream extract" has Australian sandalwood, citrusy bergamot, sheer wood, amber, organic clary sage and a few other of her own blends that not only create feelings of serenity and sleepiness but apparently also trigger some pretty... wild dreams.  All you have to do is lightly spray your sheets and pillows for a first class ticket to dreamland.

Looks kind of like a potion
If you are interested in this very intriguing product and have the $26 that a poor college student like myself does not have to spare, you can find it on the Sebastian Signs website. 

As for me, I'm getting some warm milk and saying my prayers that I can get some good sleep before my blast workout tomorrow morning!  

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