Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's Kitsch?

An ever-accurate definition from Urban Dictionary

Of course, the first reason this name appealed to me was because of its obvious relation to my nickname, Kit. But kitsch has a bad rap. Its definition says it's tawdry and lame. My high school academic coach/one of my favorite teachers would use it to refer to something interesting and unique. I've heard numerous people refer to gnomes as kitschy or costume jewelery as kitschy.

Without discrediting my taste or style, I think this word has a significance to me for another reason besides just its close relation to my name. I'm a pretty atypical person. I'm a science and math nerd majoring in engineering in addition to being a History channel, Discovery channel and particularly National Geographic channel buff.  At the same time, however, I am also a very preppy sorority girl who loves fashion, traveling, weddings, party planning, and home decor. I'm in a sense 'lame' but I like to think I have a certain appeal.

And that's the Daily Kitsch.

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